The Right Way to Comb Hair with Comb

    2017-09-13 16:56:48

    Maintaining hair is what women do every day, you may be will carefully select shampoo and conditioner, hoping to maintain their hair better, but the key question is the way of using the comb to comb hair.

    The Right Way to Comb Hair with Comb
    So how to comb hair is more scientific?
    First of all, the hair should be combed first, this prevents the hair from pulling hair because of knotting. And then along the direction of hair growth, with a comb from the hair root comb to the tail, and then from the back neck hair root down, in the process of combing hair should pay attention to grasp the strength of the hair. Advocate the strength of hair should be from light to heavy, from slow to fast, play a role in stimulating the head acupuncture points. And you should pay attention to the number of combing hair should not be more than 50 times, too many times will stimulate the scalp, if the poor quality of the comb, it will seriously damage the scalp.
    Wet hair is easy to break, so do not over-comb the wet hair. Many people think that hair is wet more convenient combing, in fact, the moisture in the wet hair will make the hair protein structure loose, hair will be more fragile than usual. At this time, the hair and hair follicles can be harmed if the hair is brushed vigorously.
    Using the right comb is the most important part of combing hair. The best comb is flat and soft. And in the process of combing hair, the use of good comb can beautify the appearance, protect the hair, care brain. So if you have not found a suitable place to buy a top quality comb, here I can recommend you a platform where you can buy lots of combs, its name is Sellers Union Online. Sellers Union Online, which provides services of wholesale and customization of daily necessities, this platform aims to become a comprehensive professional foreign trade service platform, it is an online trade service platform, on the platform, you can find kinds of combs.

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