How to Clean Silver

    2017-03-23 16:02:15

    Modern society, almost every woman will have some small jewelry, but a long time, jewelry will produce dirt, Do you know how to remove the dirt, and do not hurt your jewelry?

    You don't have to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to appreciate the elegance of polished silver—and with a little elbow grease,  yours can be spiffed and sparkling in no time. You Will Need: A sink or a basin of warm water, A soft, clean cloth, Non-abrasive silver cleaning paste, optional: A natural-bristle toothbrush.

    STEP 1 Read the silver cleaner's packaging and follow those directions if they vary from these. STEP 2 Rinse the silver item in warm water.

    STEP 3 Put a dab of silver cleaning paste onto a soft cloth and spread it over the surface of the item. If the item is large, polish it in sections.

    STEP 4 Rub the silver just until tarnish disappears—don't overpolish or you'll remove the item's finish. Clean the hard-to-reach places with an old natural-bristle toothbrush and a little cleaning paste.

    STEP 5 Rinse the silver in warm water again.

    STEP 6 Dry your shiny silver item thoroughly with a clean, soft cloth. Did you know? Silver is the best electrical conductor of all metals—and tarnish does not affect its performance.

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