Amazon FBA sourcing: how does a novice start your amazon business

    2019-03-11 16:33:11

    Many newcomers want to carry out amazon business and also intend to carry out Amzon FBA sourcing in China. What are the best steps to take for a novice?

    Know your niche

    When importing from China, you need to know your niche to choose the right products. Make sure you choose a product you know well (this is a big mistake for new importers). If you don't know where you're going to work, you don't know how to do quality checks.

    Your interests or areas of interest are a good starting point for determining which products to import. If you don't have the right hobbies, identify areas you can learn about.

    Choose a niche with less competition

    To succeed in importing from China, you need to start with a relatively small niche.

    The best niches to run are the ones that major retailers don't. The focus here is on choosing a popular, customizable product. See below for a wacky example of a custom toilet role.

    You can easily find a good niche by visiting the magazine stands at your local grocery store. If the niche you are interested in has a dedicated magazine, then it has a hungry market and it is a profitable niche.

    Choose products that retail for more than $30

    This technique is useful if you're just starting out. Higher ticket items will give you more error space. When you have experience and a better understanding of the true cost of the process, you can purchase items at a lower price.

    4. Choose low-risk products

    Importing products that hurt someone is one thing you want to avoid. Product liability can undermine your business. Look for low-risk products. One of the products is restaurant furniture.

    5. Choose products of small size (less than 18 "/ 45cm)

    As a new small business owner with a very tight budget, importing small size products is very important. This can reduce transportation costs and improve return on investment. It is important to note that these products must be of high value.

    How do you decide what to sell with amazon

    By using the amazon best seller category tree, imports from amazon best-selling China are very popular, which is another useful method that can be used to determine the products to be sold.

    For example, if we use Flying Toys, we can:

    Toys and games/novelty toys/toys/flying toys

    My best advice is to choose level 3 or lower. Doing so will help you focus on your area of expertise, and you will also have the opportunity to introduce diversity in that category.

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