It's A Good Idea To Eat Fruits and Vegetables Everyday

    2018-06-21 17:13:24

    A new study in New Zealand shows that raw fruits and vegetables may be more beneficial to mental health than cooked fruits and vegetables. The study found that those who regularly eat raw produce have a lower risk of depression and other mental illness than those who often eat cooked, canned or processed produce.
    The study was only able to show an association between raw produce and better mental health, not a cause-and-effect relationship. But researchers say that this connection may be related to the fact that many fruits and vegetables have more nutrients in their natural state - and these nutrients may have a positive effect on mood and brain.

    Did You Eat Fruits and Vegetables Today
    The study involved more than 400 young people aged 18 to 25 years old. The authors of the study pointed out that people of this age group tend to consume relatively less fruits and vegetables and have a higher risk of mental health disorders. Researchers asked the subjects about the general conditions of fruit and vegetables intake, including what types of fruits and vegetables they eat and how they consume these products. At the same time, they were screened and screened for symptoms of their mental illness, such as depression and anxiety. In addition, subjects' exercise habits, overall diet, existing health conditions, socioeconomic status, race and gender are also considered in the test.

    Did You Eat Fruits and Vegetables Today
    The study concluded that it is expected that the intake of raw fruits and vegetables can reduce the degree of depression and improve people's mental health, including emotional ups and life satisfaction. In contrast, the intake of processed fruits and vegetables (cooking, canning, or other methods) is only slightly related to a better mood. It is also advisable to consume these 10 foods that are most closely related to positive mental health outcomes: carrots, bananas, apples, dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach), grapefruit, lettuce, citrus fruits, fresh berries, cucumbers, and kiwifruit.
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