How to Choose a Right Feeding-bottle

    2017-05-02 16:26:00

    A baby bottle is a bottle with a teat to drink directly from. It is typically used by infants and young children, or if someone cannot drink from a cup, for feeding oneself or being fed. Choosing a right feeding-bottle is very important to your baby. So do you know how to choose a nice feeding-bottle?How to Choose a Right Feeding-bottle

    About the age range and size, for newborns, buy five or six 4-ounce bottles to start. Switch to 8- or 9-ounce bottles at about 4 months, when you start to choose a good feeding-bottle, you need to notice the following hints.

    *Use glass, hybrid glass, or stainless steel bottles.

    *If you'd rather use plastic bottles, look for the "BPA-free" label, or use opaque plastic bottles made from polyethylene or polypropylene marked with the recycling numbers 2 or 5.

    *Avoid hand-me-down plastic bottles or bottles marked with the recycling number 7 or PC (for polycarbonate) because they may contain BPA. If you do use polycarbonate bottles, don't boil, microwave, or wash them in the dishwasher because heat releases BPA from the plastic.

    *The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) considers BPA-free bottles and bottles made of the plastics polyethylene or polypropylene to be safe for babies, but some studies suggest that chemicals may leach regardless of the type of plastic, especially if the bottle is heated. If you're concerned, don't put plastic bottles of any type in boiling water, the dishwasher, microwave, or any other device that uses heat because high temperatures can release chemicals from the plastic. For safe cleaning, use a bottle brush or nonabrasive sponge, scrub with warm, soapy water, and rinse well.

    *Don't store formula in plastic bottles. Pour formula into the bottle just before your child drinks it, and discard any left over.

    *Don't overheat plastic bottles with formula in them. To warm formula, put the bottle in a bowl of warm water, or run it under warm water.

    *Discard scratched or worn plastic bottles, which may release small amounts of chemicals.

    So selecting the right feeding-bottle which baby likes is very important, if you want to order the nice feeding-bottle, you can log in Sellersunion Online which a daily necessities platform to search. I think you can find what you want.

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